
E-Control 1.3.4 – 28/11/2014

  • [IMPROVEMENT] general optimization of the matrix refreshment. Only the state changes are updated
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Removing layers icons as PNG to make room for glyphicons
  • [IMPROVEMENT] When creating a user profile, the default root is now selected (before the user was forced to click).
  • [IMPROVEMENT] The entire tree is now clickable in Classic View
  • [BUG] Fixed an issue in terms of LDAP import (bad RDN used) and in terms of LDAP connection.
  • [BUG] Fixed bug when clicking on the footer to display ticker messages
  • [BUG] Fixed an issue of rights: the invisible layers of the parent profile will no longer be checked ‘visible’ on children profiles, ditto for certain rights.
  • [BUG] Fixed column width problem with very large matrices
  • [BUG] Fixed an overriding of application name concerning the “criticity” column when it is too long.
  • [BUG] Fixed an edge of concern on the matrix tables in Chrome Mac
  • [BUG] On PostgreSQL, there might be a mistake while launching the listener,when Centreon connector was present.

E-Control 1.3.3 – 21/11/2014

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Added a “full screen” view mode
  • [IMPROVEMENT] The events tray no longer covers the ticker
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Adding a template system. The theme can be chosen at the install and be changed in the configuration file.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Smarty 3.1.21 upgrade
  • [IMPROVEMENT] At each click near the matrix, the tray are closed if previously opened.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Changing the look and feel of the matrix loading
  • [IMPROVEMENT] When creating a layer, added an option to mark the layer as unmonitored for all existing applications.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Decreased scrolling speed of tickler
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Added a slight pause during which the band of the message does not circulate
  • [BUG] In the administration of profiles, the tree could not appear in case of profile modification

E-Control 1.3.2 – 14/11/2014

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Significantly improved performance of SQL Listener
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Added a pending icon while loading matrix
  • [IMPROVEMENT] “cufon” javascript font deleted and CSS font added
  • [IMPROVEMENT] When a user is not logged in and tries to go on a product page, he is redirected to the login page
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Adding the SAML authentication method
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Added license information regarding user accounts
  • [BUG] Increased field “libellé” capacity .
  • [BUG] Listener: new applications or layers were created even though this should not be the case.
  • [BUG] The group view could, in certain circumstances, not display the root group.
  • [BUG] The data formatting sent to the listener was not correct in some cases.