
E-Control 2.0 – 5/01/2016

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Main theme replacement
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Unnecessary code removal
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Ability to choose if connections to the database are persistant or not through the line persistent=”true” ou “false” in config.ini
  • [IMPROVEMENT] The alerts across lines (character \ n) will now be displayed on multiple lines.
  • [IMPROVEMENT #733] Listener : Returning a value other than 0 in case of error.
  • [IMPROVEMENT #774]  360 View: Periodic automatic refresh of the view.
  • [BUG #772] It is now impossible to delete your own user account.
  • [BUG #775]  Missing information on the license adding to the dashboard.
  • [BUG] Some email addresses were not recognized.
  • [BUG #761] Error while creating a working range without specified applications.
  • [BUG #754]Email addresses with a large domain name may not be valid according to E-Control.
  • [BUG #753] Delete of an error message while deleting a user.
  • [BUG #743] The  zoom / unzoom was sometimes putting an horizontal scrollbar on the matrix with some browsers.
  • [BUG #737] When the smart layer was invisible on the user profile, the mobile application could not return the true colors related to final status of applications.