
E-Control 1.3.2 – 14/11/2014

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Significantly improved performance of SQL Listener
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Added a pending icon while loading matrix
  • [IMPROVEMENT] “cufon” javascript font deleted and CSS font added
  • [IMPROVEMENT] When a user is not logged in and tries to go on a product page, he is redirected to the login page
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Adding the SAML authentication method
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Added license information regarding user accounts
  • [BUG] Increased field “libellé” capacity .
  • [BUG] Listener: new applications or layers were created even though this should not be the case.
  • [BUG] The group view could, in certain circumstances, not display the root group.
  • [BUG] The data formatting sent to the listener was not correct in some cases.

E-Control 1.3 – 27/10/2014

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Tree view for Groups. It is possible to level “down” into the tree. Only nodes and low level leaves are directly displayed.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Inside groupview, it is possible to click on each leaf of the tree, to switch to the designed node (and its children).
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Creation of specific licenses with manageable use rights.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Creation of an automatic update process inside administration.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Product automatic install process (for a new install).
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Backup settings (columns, research, etc.) are saved for each user profile.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Remove of the “root” parameter in config.ini file, the root of the product is now determined automatically.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] User profiles now obey ACL as tree. A profile can not view parents profiles, he can only see all his children profiles.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Implantation of parenting rights. A son profile can not have more rights than his father.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Communication with connectors inside the heartbeat is now possible. Clicking on an icon displays detailed information about the connector and displays if the connection is up and running.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] When deleting a layer, if it is part of a logical equation, an information message appears, requesting delete confirmation.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] scrolling banner is now horizontal.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Add of a “tray” containing all scrolling banner messages when click on the banner.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Evolution of the DataTables plugin to version 1.10.3, necessary to avoid a bug with saving tables display parameterss
  • [BUG] When adding, modifying or deleting a layer, menus to determine the logic equations did not get updated to take changes into account.
  • [BUG] Informations concerning non-visible applications could be transmitted to connecting user via matrix display.
  • [BUG] In “Administration => Applications”, list of displayed layers could include layers normally invisible to the connected user.

E-Control 1.2 – 08/09/2014

  • [IMPROVEMENT] Possibility to define a layer type (classical, customizable, etc.)
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Possibility to define logical equations to specify layer state.
  • [BUG]Fixed a display issue on some popup windows
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Dates / times formatting type definition
  • [IMPROVEMENT] General performance optimization (autoload, casting, unnecessary code remove, etc.)
  • [IMPROVEMENT]  listener.php file delete. Listener is now called with “php index.php listener” command
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Creation of a scrolling banner to display different messages to users.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Changing the popup closing icon, more visible and visual.

E-Control 1.1 – 25/07/2014

  • [IMPROVEMENT] use of  Zéro MQ library removal.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Case sensitivity delete over the name returned by monitoring product over applications and layers.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] It is now possible to specify if unknown applications have to be visible or not by default.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] While creating an unknown application, it is now placed in root group by default.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Adding pagination in the events tray.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Adding filtering to the root of  application groups at user groups level.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Adding customizable options for user groups.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Added an option to set the default display of the matrix.
  • [BUG] Fixed a popups placement issue in height.
  • [BUG] Fixed an issue with tree click (administration of user profiles) and Javascript code optimization.
  • [BUG] Some errors caused in the listener no longer cut its execution.
  • [BUG] Analysis error correction  for some very large packets (listener).
  • [BUG] Fixed alerts display  and number of alerts display in the events tray, which could not take into account group permissions.